- Absolvetna a Faculatii de Psihologie si Asistenta sociala din cadrul Universitatii ,,Petre Andrei din Iasi ,
- Membra a Colegiului Psihologilor din Romania cu Atestat de libera practica in Psihologie clinica si Psihologia muncii,
- Master in Psihhologie clinica
- Consilier psihologic , Asociatia ,,Educatie pentru Nastere ” Iasi , 2005- 2010
- Module de formare in Psihologie Experientiala organizate de Societatea Romana de Psihologie Experientiala ,
- Psiholog clinician , Centrul Medical Cosult-Med Iasi , specializare in diabet si boli de nutritie ,2005-2008
- Psiholog clinician , C.I.P Bran Aurelia Daniela ,2005- prezent
- Formare in Psihologia familie si cuplului , cursuri sustinute de ,,Asociatia de Psihoterapie de familie si cuplu” Iasi
- Modul de formare ,, Autocunoastrere si Relationare ” sustinute de Dr. Andre Moreau, organizate de Centrul de Dezvoltare personala si Formare Iasi,
- Psiholog clinician specialist , Spitalul Clinic de Obstetriga si Ginecologie ,,Cuza Voda ” Iasi , 2007-2015,
- Psiholog clinician specialist , Centrul Medical Meditur Iasi , 2008-2011
Programs + Specialties
Newborn MedicineResearch Interests
Pulmonary hypertension of newborn lung developmentTraining + Education
State University of New York at BuffaloBoard Certifications
PediatricsNPI #
English, Spanish, GermanAccepted Insurances
View Accepted InsurancesSpecialist is general and bariatric surgery, all minimally invasive methods. Senior general surgeon and head of bariatric surgery division. Premium private hospital, provides the highest quality medical care, individualized treatment by the country’s leading experts, and in the shortest amount of time.
Senior general surgeon and head of bariatric surgery division. Premium private hospital, provides the highest quality medical care, individualized treatment by the country’s leading experts, and in the shortest amount of time. Specialist is general and bariatric surgery, all minimally invasive methods.
Specialist is general and bariatric surgery, all minimally invasive methods. Senior general surgeon and head of bariatric surgery division. Premium private hospital, provides the highest quality medical care, individualized treatment by the country’s leading experts, and in the shortest amount of time.
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Make an Appointment
Nume: Aurelia Daniela Bran
Adresa: Iasi, Str. A.Panu,Nr 21,Bl. 7 Noiembrie, Sc. B, Et. 1, Ap .4
Telefon: (0740) 024 737
Email: danabran2@yahoo.com
Specializare: Psihologie clinica
Psihologia muncii
Incadrare: Specialist autonom